How I Learnt to Love Shopping

Hello! My name is Bill and I live in New South Wales. For many years, I hated shopping. My wife would take me to the local mall and I would stomp around the place with her in a terrible mood. However, my entire attitude to shopping changed when I was introduced to a personal shopping service. The guy who took me out looking for new clothes was really great and he made the entire experience super fun. I decided to start writing this blog so I could remind myself how much my attitude to shopping has changed. I hope you enjoy reading it!

Crucial Tips for Buying the Right Business Suit


If you recently got employed in a company whose dress code is official, you need a couple of business suits. Sadly, most people do not know how to buy a business suit, and those who try make several mistakes. However, you will be glad to know that shopping for a business suit is not rocket science, and a few basics should boost your confidence in choosing the proper attire. This article highlights essential considerations when buying a business suit.

Check Company Dress Code -- A common mistake new employees make when shopping for business suits is misinterpreting the dress code. Notably, most companies specify the type of suit design employees should wear to the office. Unfortunately, most new employees interpret the dress code to mean they can wear any suit to work. However, it is not the case because business suits come in various designs. For instance, if a company's dress code states that all male employees should wear a two-piece suit to work, you should conform. You might be tempted to buy a three-piece business suit to stand out from the rest of the employees. However, it would mean going against the dress code, reflecting poorly on your skills and competence as an employee. Therefore, go through a company's dress code before buying a business suit to guarantee the right purchase.

Match Fabric to Climate -- The climate conditions should dictate the type of business suit to buy for your new job. For example, if an area is relatively cool throughout the year, wool suits would be ideal. The suits provide unrivalled warmth, keeping you comfortable during cold seasons. On the other hand, you should consider linen business suits if you work in hot climates like the Australian coast. Besides, your position in the workplace determines the best fabric for a business suit. For example, if you are in the office 90% of the time, you can get away with woollen suits because most offices have air conditioning systems. However, if you move a lot during the day, you need a light fabric for your business suit.

Buy Suit with Quality Storage Bag -- High-quality business suits are built to last long with proper maintenance and storage. It is why reputable stores and tailors sell business suits with quality storage bags. The bags are specially designed to retain your suit's form, ensuring durability. However, some stores sell their suits in ordinary polythene bags. Therefore, while the suits might be high quality, they do not last because of poor storage. In this regard, only buy a business suit from a vendor who provides quality storage bags. Look into local businesses near you that sell business suits.


6 April 2022